Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Post 8

Here I am posing with with our taxi driver in Bali. We are visiting a temple on the coast.
Nick, Jessica, Cole, me, Emily, Dika, and Jag all pose for a picture on stage next to a Hindu temple.

We stopped to take a picture of a war monument in New Delhi. It looks similar to one in France. Since Delhi is the capital of India, we also toured some of the government buildings in the city which are about 1000 meters from this statue. it is-The Taj Mahal. It is a burial monument of the wife of Shah Jahan, an emperor during the Mughal empire. His wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died during the birth of their 14th child, Gauhara Begum. In her dying breath, Mumtaz Mahal urged Shah Jahan to build a mausoleum for her, more beautiful than any the world had seen before. Construction started in 1632, one year after her death, and finished in 1653. Water is supposed to be in the fountain runway behind me but they were "cleaning" it at the moment this picture was taken.

Coconuts don't taste as good as they look. I drank about half of it then threw the rest away.

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