Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Post 7

Here is a picture of Sunny (groom) and his wife with their family at the wedding we attended in Chennai, India. They wedding lasted about 2 days (the celebration last all week), and they stood for about 5 hours each day taking pictures. I will never complain about how long pictures take in American weddings ever again!
A cool shot of how far the tea plantation extends up in the hills of southern India. We are in the state of Kerala, on the south-east tip of India. It is amazing that these tea plants can grow well on vertical slopes like they do. I would hate to be the person climbing these hills to harvest the tea.

A picture of Cole, Emily, Jessica, Jagannath, me, and Diak in front of our hotel in Bali, Indonesia. Dika took us through a tour of his home in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a huge 3 story house situated on a corner lot in the city. His dad started a construction company, and now he and his dad sell currency for a living.

Jagannath and I are lifting up a 150 pound turtle in a turtle park off the coast of Bali, Indonesia.

I bought a hat to keep the sun off my face while being a tourist in Bali.

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