Friday, October 10, 2008


The top picture is of a friend named Justin. He works at the Computer Help Desk for A&M. He is 28 and has been working in Qatar for a year. A 5 year old girl from church was scared that he was going to die in Petra because this is where they shot a movie from Indiana Jones. The little girl's reasoning was that there were still a lot of deadly traps in Petra that could kill him from the Indian Jones movie. So he took this picture and sent it to her. The next picture shows two Bedouin teenagers who are singing and clapping near a hiking trail we took. They live in caves. The last picture shows me resting for lunch on top of a mountain in Petra.


Kimberly said...

Sweet pics Nater. Looks like you are having a good time. How is basketball going?

Kimberly said...

That was benjie.

Nathan said...

Bball is going well....we just won a 4 team tournament. We are short and we press a lot.