Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is our first day in Amman, Jordan. We visited some Roman ruins. You can see me pushing a large stone. We also visited a Turkish bath. The picture is fuzzy because there is a lot of steam coming from the hot tub. At the Turkish bath we sat in a steam room for 20 minutes, drank pomegranate juice, sate in a hot tub for 20 minutes, had our dead skin scrubbed off with a large hand towel, took a shower, got a massage for 15 minutes, and then layed on a hot marble slab for 15 minutes. I felt kind of girly, but it actually wasn't that bad. The third picture shows me still inside the bath house after we got done. The fourth picture shows a visit we took to an old fort in Amman. They had guys there posing for pictures. The last picture is of another Roman ruins site found in Amman.

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