Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PIctures 14

Here is a picture of a cool bridge in Jerusalem.
Here is a picture of a model built to show what Jerusalem looked like back in the day.
This is a blown up model of Jerusalem back in the day. If you look closely, between the 2 towers in the wall, there is a plain flat rock on the ground. This is where Jesus was crucified.
These two red-roofed square buildings actually hold two pools of water. This is where Jesus healed the man with leprosy.
This weird dome shaped building is the home of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found about 50 years ago. They are a bunch of scrolls found in jars along caves by the Dead Sea. Many of the scrolls are replicas of what is found in Old Testament passages. A scroll with the entire writing of Isaiah was found in one of these caves by Bedouin tribesmen.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

The top picture shows a cool bridge in Jerusalem. The middle 3 pictures show a model of what Jerusalem looked like during the time of Jesus. The first picture shows the Holy Temple. In the second picture you can see a small rock outcrop between two towers along a wall. This is where Jesus was crucified. The third picture of the Jerusalem model shows 2 red roofed-rectangular buildings. These building had pools inside them, and it is here that Jesus healed lepers