Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here is a picture of me at the Wailing/West Wall in Jerusalem. It is a sacred spot to Jews. They come to this wall behind me and pray and chant to god.
This is a model of the wall around Jerusalem back in the day. We are in an underground cave walking along the base of the wall. This wall along the Western side of the Temple has been buried by people building a city on top of it.
This spot is a religious holy spot underground along the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It is said that this spot is the closest spot along the Western Wall to the inner court, or Holy of Holies. Here, many Jews come and touch the wall, cry, and pray.
Here is a picture of Trevor walking in the underground passage along the Western Wall. The Western Wall is on the right.
Here is the only spot where the Western Wall is above ground. If you look closely, you can see all the Jews in their black suits praying in the back.

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