Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is inside the 10 by 10 room where Jesus rose from the grave. It is filled with candles and a picture of Jesus. There is a place to kneel down and pray.
Here is where people kneel and pray in the grave/cave where Jesus was buried.

Here is the roof where we slept overlooking the city of Jerusalem for 3 days for $10 a night. There are about 20 people sleeping on this roof. Thank goodness it didn't rain. We met 2 girls from Texas here. One goes to school at St. Edwards in Austin, one goes to school at Baylor in Waco. They both are doing study abroad in Cairo, Egypt. We also met a guy here who wrote a book of "revelation" from God. He made copies and said God was coming back 3 months from now when Russia bombs Syria.
Another picture of the Dome of the Rock.

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