Saturday, September 20, 2008

September 20-Post 4

The first picture shows where Education City holds their outdoor graduation ceremonies. The second picture is a view of Georgetown's international politics building. It was build by a architect firm from Mexico. The third picture down is another view of the pool facility in compound that houses professors. The last picture shows what the Education City facility looks like lit up at night.

I tried out for the A&M basketball team here. There are 16 of us-4 which are Americans. The Qatari students on the team have not played basketball for too long, and so they aren't as talented at basketball as they are in sports like soccer. The neat thing is that we will get to play other basketball teams from Education City, and we may even get to travel to surrounding countries to play in a tournament or two.

We have a school holiday coming up to celebrate the ending of Ramadan. Therefore, I am traveling with about 8 other graduate students to Jordan and Israel for 7 days. We will stay in hostels, scuba dive, go to the Dead Sea, and take tours of the surrounding area. It should be a lot of fun.

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